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About Us

Our Story

In the era of Industrial 4.0 (i4), all enterprises need a catalogue of services to support their digital transformation. That lead us to create i4Catalogue Pte Ltd.

The company is founded on the premise of delivering digital enhancement to brands, building new web businesses and providing support to digital engineering.

We believe by combining the understanding of i4, we can effectively deliver the right digital solution.

Our Men behind the ball

Hong Wan, Chief Troublemaker, has been delivering digital engineering and manufacturing solutions to the industries for the past 20 years in the area of 3D Technologies.

Keith Kong, Chief Geek, had successfully delivered more than 300+ web projects over a period of 20 years to the industries ranging from enterprises, retail and associations.

Our Business Principle

Super Simple

We like to keep things simple, as simple as possible (ASAP).

Open, Transparent & Quality

We are open about our offerings, we want to earn the right to serve you.

Riding on By Left

Bear with us, we are not using by-right approach. There are always alternative in doing things.

HongWan Koh

Chief Troublemaker

Kieth Kong

Chief Geek

We are driven by crazy ideas

Waking up with an idea? We love to hear them. As crazy as possible. Everything starts with an idea, then become a side hustle, and could eventually morph into a startup. We like to help you.